Saturday, October 17, 2009

Global Climate Scheme
WHEREAS the proposed United Nations Global Climate Treaty intends to establish an un-democratic world government which would override our United States Constitution and surrender our national sovereignty; and

WHEREAS the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade bill, also known as ACES (the American Clean Energy and Security Act - HR 2454), will essentially impose an 'energy tax' on all goods and services produced in the United States; and

WHEREAS gasoline and electricity prices will, in President Obama’s own words, “necessarily skyrocket” under a cap-and-trade scheme; and

WHEREAS cap-and-trade schemes are projected to cost US taxpayers over $1 trillion per year; and

WHEREAS the adoption of cap-and-trade would result in millions of additional US job losses; and

WHEREAS the U.S. economy is already in deep recession and cap-and-trade schemes could result in an additional $7 trillion loss in our Gross Domestic Product; and

WHEREAS the claims of carbon-driven anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are unproven and are, in fact, contested by over 31,000 scientists (compared to fewer than 50 on the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) who claim AGW is a serious and immediate problem); and

WHEREAS global temperatures have not risen since 2000 and data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration demonstrates that the earth has actually been cooling for the last 4 years; and

WHEREAS new research from MIT has dispelled one of the key underpinnings of anthropogenic global warming theory (the notion that more long-wave radiation is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere when temperature rises); and

WHEREAS the touted, climate benefit of cap-and-trade schemes is that global surface temperatures will be one-tenth-of-one-degree cooler than currently projected in one hundred years, if one even accepted the contested claims of AGW.

THEREFORE I petition President Obama not to sign the United Nations Climate Treaty. I also petition my US Senators to forcefully oppose ratification of the treaty and Congress to oppose any legislation that would create a cap-and-trade scheme in United States law.

Cap-and-trade would benefit a select group of wealthy individuals on the backs of hard-working American families who will see absolutely no benefit, not even after paying for a cap-and-trade scheme for 100 years.

Say "NO" to all cap-and-trade schemes.

To the persons in charge of my country:

How can you be letting this happen? We elected you to voice our concerns and opinions in Congress, Senate and the President. You are not doing your job. You are liars and this will not be stood for any longer. If you do not do your job the way you are supposed too, you will lose that job and I will personally see to it. 
When each of you took office you were sworn to uphold the Constitution and bring down those who threaten it and our way of life. Sadly there are many in Congress and the presidency that are trying to undermine our Constitution, Country and everything we as a Americans stand for. How can you, as public servants, stand by and watch this happen? If you think you think you are alone, I can assure you, you are not. There are many people who will gladly support you and stand by you as long as you start doing what you are supposed to. Please come to my rescue and the rescue of the country by standing firm and keeping to the values that has made America the greatest nation on earth. 
Something more as to be done then just a petition. Like with the Tea Party in Washington, we have to show the government we aren't going to take this. I think there should be another Tea Party but this one BIGGER!
And Sirs, I will guaranty that you will be voted out of your position of power if you do not commit to help America be the country she once was. Coming from an average American, we will not take this lying down any longer.
Sincerely , 
Sarah Moningstar

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